My Darling Terese,
I wish i could call you and see how things are going. I miss talking to you and hearing you laugh and giggle. Both Chrissy and I wish we could have gone to Florida to visit you. You have always been a great friend to us and we love you. I have pictures of you when you came to Washington to see me. Those were fun times and you broke me out of my shy I enjoyed the time we were together. I learned there was more to life and all i had to do was get out and live it. For that i Thank You... Being with your family helped me prepare for mine that came along years later. I dont know if i could be the great parent that you are but i will do my best. You loved your kids with all that you are and gave all you could to them for them. I often told you that you were a great mom and they would do you proud.
Even though things didnt work out between us we remained close friends, and helped eachother with an ear and shoulder to lean on. Meeting you was very heart warming and most of all, very loving. I will never forget you. Thank You for loving me and being my friend.
Love Always,