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Terese you came into my life like a fresh breeze blowing in and out quickly, but while hereyourloveand friendship truly touchedme!
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Life story
March 6, 1957
Born on March 6, 1957.
February 3, 2009

I (Amy) Purchased A book called "A Mother's Legacy" for Mom about a year ago, and gave it to her to fill out and return to me. And, I am honored to tell you, she filled out the entire book and returned it to me about 3 weeks later. I want to share some entries that she anwsered. When Brian and I were thinking about what to bury Mom wearing, I remembered this passage and read it aloud to Brian, and because of this, Mom was buried in one of her nice sun dresses.

"Do You Have A Favorite Article Of Clothing?"

She Wrote: "I love wearing sundresses. They are comfortable, not hot, and they make you feel good to be a "girl" -dressed up kinda. You just pull it on -and your set. Matching earrings are a must."

Another Entry :

"What Are The Things You Hope Your Children Have Learned?"

"I hope they will (and are) good parents. I want them to adore their kids like I did and to keep the communication open. I hope they learned from me that no matter what the situation, I will always love them and I'll be here for them. I hope and pray they'll look back at their childhood and think "Mom did a pretty good job!" 

Another Entry :

"What Is Your Fondest Birthday Memory?"

"When I turned 20, my mother had a surprise birthday party for me! She invited everyone I knew or used to know! There must have been 50 or more people hiding in my mother's basement and I didn't have a clue. Then she asked me to get something from the basement and WOW!! Was I happy and shocked she would do this!!"

"Descibe An Especially Memorable Gift You Recieved"

"Amy. She made my "Life" book for me for Christmas '08. All the photos she gathered and all the beautiful pages she put together by herself, were unbelievable. I will always cherish that book and all the trouble she went through to make it. It's too much for words. Thoughtful and generous are understatements!"

"What Was The First Holiday Gathering You Hosted?"

"Thanksgiving of '96. Everyone came. It was in my beautiful Menasha home. Everyone said what an excellent job I did. I was very happy that day"

"Who Have You Consulted Most Often For Guidance Over The Years?"

"I relied on my close friends for advice. When my sister was talking to me I always put her advice above all others. She always seemed to know what to say and I was happy to have listened to her."

"How Have You Been Inspired by Friends Or Family?"

"My true friend I have now is Steve who lives across the country. He inspires me because he faces so many challenges, but still has time to make you laugh. I can tell him anything and he's a great listener. I make sure I am for him. He's been a great friend to me."

"What Is The Most Important Thing You Have Learned In Life?"

"Not to marry quickly. To let things go when you don't want to or feel you can't. To use money wisely. To be there for my kids. To let go of my kids for thier father. To hold on to your important ideas. To follow your heart."

"What Advice Would You Give Future Generations Of Your Family?"

"Childhood goes by too quickly so make it the best for your children! Don't get married until you find THE ONE and hang in there NO MATTER WHAT. Make a family and make them your priority. Never turn away someone in need. Be a friend that you'd like to have. Your children will leave you and you've got to learn to let go in a loving way. Hopefully they don't leave too early, so you both are ready. Start each day fresh, because tommorrow is promised no one. Treasure the people who love you and never take them for granted. Hear beyond the words."

"What Are You Early Memories Of Your Grandparents?"

"My Gramma and Grampa loved me and treated me very special. They took me on thier many camping trips. I use to love this. They babied me and were always a positive light in my life. For 2 years they lived with us, but I don't remember that too much. For many years, my Gramma came to our house on Wednesdays and clean the whole house. I use to love Wednesdays. At about the age 88 my Gramma got Altziemer's and my Grampa never left her side. She died at 92, then 2 years later my Grampa died, he died of a broken heart. He actually "died" when my Gramma did."

"What Is One Valuable Lesson You Learned From A Grandmother Or Grandfather?"

"Their marriage was perfect. My Gramma was the boss and my Grampa accepted that just fine. They never argued. They were married nearly 60 years. They were always in love and laughed alot together."

"If You Have Siblings , What Is A Special Memory You Have?"

"I was really close to my sister, Deanna. We would solve all our problems together at night in the dark. We'd talk & talk & laugh. She always tried to protect me. Me and Deanna got along great. We were best friends and confidants. We told eachother everything."

"Did You Have Any Family Pets Growing Up?"

"Growing up we had Fifi, a standard white poodle. A few years later we kept a puppy of Fifi's, a blacik shaggy dog we named Bebe."

"What Was Your Favorite Home Cooked Meal?"

"Meatloaf. my gramma made it on Wednesdays."

"Did You Attend A Family Reunion?"

"The only family reunion I remember was us 4 and our families for my Grama's "85th" Birthday. It was a great day, everyone was together which never happened. Brian and Amy were 14 and 15. I was proud to show them to my family."

"What Has Been The Greatest Joy In Being A Mother?"

"Watching my children grow up happy from baby to 17. Those were the best years of my life!"

"What Values Did You Try To Nurture In Your Children?"

"To never make fun of people, to help people less fortunate, family comes first. I told Brian and Amy to be best friends. I tried to teach them things, but I dont know what sunk in. I tried to teach them "do what makes you happy"."

"What Was The Happiest Time Of Your Life?"

"All the time the 3 of us lived in our Menasha house. When Fall Back Plan would be practicing so loud in our basement. When I went to see FBP plat at different venues. When Amy would sing "Oh Susanna" So hiliarious. When Amy took care of me after my biggest spinal fusion surgery. She gave me a bell by my bed. When Annie would do tricks for us. I loved my Menasha years the best. Its where my kids grew up." 

May 13, 2010
Passed away on May 13, 2010.
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